I wish I were allowed to give you negative style points in this review, because the whole "stick figures killing each other" genre is just plain dumb. But the graphics were very nice in some spots, I admit. Very very good for your first movie! And long too. A few tips, even if I'm not qualified to give them:
- Use better fonts, or draw backround signs yourself. Times New Roman looks AWFUL in 'toons.
- Maybe a little better concepting and plot? I admit that I didn't do that in my movies, but I was young(er) and stupid(er) then, and I don't make Flash anymore, so that's why you don't see plot in "The Other Jump". Man, that was a stupid movie.
-Try to make your motions a bit better-looking...you should spend more time on detail...like when you made the tanks move by simple motion tweens on a drawing? Try using movie-clips to make moving wheels, stuff like that.
-And no more sticks. Please...